Landscaping helps give home grand entrance – Landscape Design, Build and Maintenance – Waterford Tilling, Rochester NY
April 10, 2009

Landscaping helps give home grand entrance

It can create focus, unity and a welcoming vibe for visitors

Landscape designer Pietro Furgiuele, right, of Waterford Tilling in Penfield points out options for tree cover and trimming as he gives tips to Cheryl McManus at her Honeoye Falls home Thursday.

Cheryl McManus used to love gardening. But living near Mendon Ponds Park, deer ate many of her plants, including lush, green hostas that used to grace her front entrance.

Now overgrown with weeds and vinca, McManus is looking to spruce up her outdoors space.

“It has gotten to the point where I don’t have the heart to garden any more,” McManus said.